Parables of Lao Tse

Parables of Lao Tse


Lao Tse was riding on a donkey. He was not in a hurry. He was riding and listening, and if the words came and formed into complete sentences, he wrote them down.

Lao Tse was not choosing his way but let God and the donkey do this. The Boundless Ocean of God surrounded him and his donkey and whispered to the sensitive animal where to go.

The Heart of Lao Tse was filled with the Great Transparent Calm. He listened to this Calm since the Great Silence became filled with the words of Tao and Te* when necessary.

In this way Lao Tse was learning Wisdom about the meaning of human life and about the laws according to which people can live without disturbing the harmony of the earthly and the Heavenly, as well as about the steps of the stairway that leads “from the earth — to the Heaven”, that is, to the Divine, to the Primordial.

He listened about the Great Love, under the Guidance of Which the interaction of yin and yang takes place, about how Tao loves every being, about how Te nurses and nurtures all souls, about how to cognize Tao and about how that one should live who wants to know all this on one’s own experience and achieve the Supreme Ultimate — the state in which there is only the Primordial Ocean That creates everything and includes entirely in Itself every one who reaches It. This Living Ocean of the Subtlest Primordial Consciousness is Tao.

Lao Tse wrote down what he heard. Thus the book Tao Te Ching was forming gradually…

… Long time ago Lao Tse had left his honorary position of an archivist, which used to bring him the respect of the people and good income. Now he kept a solitary life, which allowed him to be always with his Teacher — Huang Di.

Although Lao Tse lived in the material world, he did not look at it, but at the Depths. He looked from the world of matter into that Depth from which all the material was manifested. It was the World of the Divine Light and Great Transparent Calm.

There his non-embodied Teacher and Friend Huang Di was always waiting for Lao Tse.

Lao Tse could see Huang Di not with the eyes of the body, but with the eyes of the soul — the eyes of the developed and loving spiritual heart.

Only that soul which has become Luminous Love and Transparent Calm is able to see Te as well as the subtlest and infinite Tao and communicate directly with Them.

Sometimes Lao Tse saw the Face of his Teacher Huang Di. Sometimes he felt the presence of the Divine Master as Love and Peace, which embraced the soul from outside and permeated everything inside it. Sometimes Huang Di appeared as the Transparent Flow of Power rising from the Depths.

Now they were always together — the man with a name Lao Tse and the Representative of Primordial Tao with a name Huang Di.

For Lao Tse Huang Di was the closest Friend, the wisest Interlocutor, and the most important Teacher.

Sometimes images from the past of China rose before Lao Tse, and he perceived himself as a participant of those ancient events of his life on the Earth when he was a personal disciple of the Great Emperor Huang Di.

Sometimes the words of the Revelations flowed like a river.

Yet it also happened that throughout the day, Lao Tse managed to write only one sentence. Nevertheless, this sentence gave him the possibility to dive during several days into the meditations of Mergence with Te and of Dissolution in Tao.

Lao Tse gradually got accustomed to living always with Huang Di — in the indissoluble Unity with Him.

From that moment on, Lao Tse looked at the world through the Eyes of Huang Di, assessing people and events from His position.

Sometimes they both stayed in silence… Sometimes questions gave way to answers in a living dialogue…

They were and are always together — the disciple and the Divine Master.

… Do you want to know how all this began, continued and ended?


Tao Te Ching Parables Huang Di Lao Tse Huang Han